
Structuring Data for TanStack React Charts

Demonstrate how to correctly structure a dataset for use with TanStack React Charts, including converting date strings to Date objects for a time series graph.
const rawData = [
  { date: '2023-01-01', value: 10 },
  { date: '2023-01-02', value: 15 },
  { date: '2023-01-03', value: 7 }
Defines the raw data array with dates represented as strings and associated values.
const structuredData = => ({
  date: new Date(
Converts each date string in the raw data into a JavaScript Date object, creating a new data array that is structured correctly for TanStack React Charts.
const chartData = {
  labels: =>,
  datasets: [{
    label: 'Dataset 1',
    data: => data.value)
Prepares the final data structure for the chart, including labels extracted from the date and values from the data points.