
Optimizing Component Renders with Selective State Subscription

Provide a code example showing how to use the `useStoreState` hook to subscribe to specific parts of the state, minimizing unnecessary re-renders by only updating components when relevant state slices change.
import { useStoreState } from 'easy-peasy'; // Importing useStoreState hook from easy-peasy
First, import the useStoreState hook from your state management library, assuming easy-peasy is being used in this example.
const MyComponent = () => {
  const userName = useStoreState(state =>; // Subscribing to only the user's name part of the state
In your component, use the useStoreState hook to subscribe to specific parts of the state. Here, we subscribe only to the user's name.
// Assuming that the state shape is
// { user: { name: 'John', age: 30 }, products: [...]}
This comment describes the shape of the state for clarity. It's not actual code but gives context to the useStoreState hook usage.
return (<div>Hello, {userName}</div>);
Render part of the component, which shows the usage of the subscribed state. This component will re-render only if the `userName` changes.