
Adding Interactivity to TanStack React Charts

A code snippet to add hover effects and tooltips to a chart for enhancing user interaction.
import { Chart } from 'tanstack-react-charts';

function MyInteractiveChart() {
  const data = useChartData(); // Assuming useChartData is a custom hook for fetching chart data

  // Custom tooltip component
  const TooltipComponent = ({ datum }) => (
    <div style={{ padding: '10px', backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)', color: '#fff' }}>
      {datum.primary}: {datum.secondary}

  return (
        data: data,
        initialWidth: 800,
        initialHeight: 600,
        tooltip: {
          render: TooltipComponent, // Use the custom tooltip component
        interactionMode: 'closest',
This code sets up a TanStack React Chart with a custom tooltip. The TooltipComponent renders a simple styled div showing the primary (usually the x value) and secondary (usually the y value) data points when hovered over a chart segment. The 'interactionMode' is set to 'closest', making the tooltip appear for the closest datapoint to the mouse cursor.