Error Handling in React 18 with Error Boundaries

Anton Ioffe - November 18th 2023 - 10 minutes read

Embarking on the journey of error resilience in React applications, we are poised to decode the sophisticated tapestry of Error Boundaries as unveiled in React 18. Through the prism of seasoned expertise, this article unfolds a series of revelations - from the artful integration of Error Boundaries within functional components, to the deliberate orchestration of their structure. We navigate beyond the mere mechanics and into the strategic domain, scrutinizing best practices, error recovery, and the treacherous pitfalls that ensnare the unwary. Prepare to challenge your preconceptions, as we lift the veil on the evolving paradigm of JavaScript error handling in the modern web development realm.

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The Evolving Paradigm of Error Handling with React 18 Error Boundaries

Error boundaries in React 18 signify a substantial evolution in how developers address JavaScript runtime errors within React applications. An Error Boundary is essentially a React component that intercepts errors thrown in any of its child component trees. This pattern is pivotal as it captures and handles errors during the rendering process or within constructor functions of child components, preventing isolated failures from unmounting the entire application. It embodies a component-level try-catch mechanism and introduces fault-tolerant practices, disentangling the stability of the UI from the resilience of individual components.

Refined in React 18, Error Boundaries endow components with the ability to gracefully switch to a fallback UI when an error surfaces, assuring that the rest of the application maintains interactivity. This improvement is realized through the inclusion of designated lifecycle methods such as static getDerivedStateFromError()—which triggers the rendering of a backup UI—and componentDidCatch(), which facilitates the logging of error information. The following code snippet demonstrates their usage:

class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = { hasError: false };

    static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
        // Update state so next render shows fallback UI.
        return { hasError: true };

    componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {
        // Log error to an error reporting service
        logErrorToService(error, errorInfo);

    render() {
        if (this.state.hasError) {
            // Render fallback UI when an error occurs
            return <FallbackComponent />;
        return this.props.children;

It is critical to acknowledge the limitations of Error Boundaries. They do not handle errors within themselves, any asynchronous code such as setTimeout, event handlers, or server-side rendering processes. Their role is instead focused on trapping exceptions uncaught within the child component hierarchy, thus necessitating additional error handling practices for full coverage.

The component-based architecture of error handling encouraged in React 18 allows developers to insert Error Boundaries at varying levels within the hierarchy. They might encircle single widgets, envelop complete UI sections, or guard entire application routes, thereby enabling developers to isolate disturbances due to component malfunctions and manage the response of unaffected UI portions.

This paradigm shift champions a proactive stance where errors in the UI can be anticipated and managed effectively. Despite unexpected errors occurring, React developers can ensure a continuous user experience by placing Error Boundaries strategically. Their use promotes a resilient UI where failures in components are compartmentalized and do not necessarily lead to complete application downtime. React 18, fortified with Error Boundaries, empowers the developer community to build interfaces where resilience is designed into the fabric of the application.

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Implementing Error Boundaries in Functional Components

React has pivoted towards functional components and hooks, which means error boundaries, traditionally the domain of class components, need a different approach. The react-error-boundary package offers a suitable solution for this, providing hooks and components that are easy to integrate into a functional component ecosystem.

Let's look at the ErrorBoundary higher-order component provided by react-error-boundary. This component can wrap any part of your component tree to catch errors from its descendants. It's declarative and lends itself well to reusability and modularity. Here is a real-world example of how to utilize it within a functional component:

import { ErrorBoundary } from 'react-error-boundary';

function ErrorFallback({ error, resetErrorBoundary }) {
  return (
    <div role="alert">
      <p>Something went wrong:</p>
      <button onClick={resetErrorBoundary}>Try again</button>

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      onReset={() => {
        // Reset the state of your app so the error doesn't happen again
      <AnotherComponent />

The FallbackComponent prop dictates what to render when an error is caught. It receives the error object and a resetErrorBoundary function as props, enhancing the user experience by providing a clear error message and a way to recover from errors.

For a more granular approach, employing the useErrorHandler hook is advantageous, especially when error handling logic needs to be incorporated into a component that cannot be wrapped by an ErrorBoundary. When invoked with an error argument inside a component, this hook delegates error handling to the nearest error boundary, aligning with React's declarative nature. Here's how it's applied:

import { useErrorHandler } from 'react-error-boundary';

function MyComponent() {
  const handleError = useErrorHandler();

  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchData = async () => {
      try {
        // Fetch data that might throw an error
      } catch (error) {

  }, []);

  return <div>My Component Content</div>;

In the example above, useErrorHandler provides a neat and idiomatic use of error boundaries within effects and asynchronous operations. It enhances the readability and maintainability of the code by abstracting away the complex error handling.

Finally, when the ErrorBoundary needs customization beyond the scope of FallbackComponent, the onReset prop allows for additional cleanup actions or state resets. This enhances the modularity of the ErrorBoundary as it can encapsulate the entire error handling logic from presentation to recovery, making components self-contained and easier to maintain or reuse across different parts of the application.

Through composability and encapsulation, react-error-boundary brings the robustness of error handling to functional components, mirroring the shift in React towards functional techniques while still providing robust error management capabilities.

Best Practices in Structuring Error Boundaries

Employing a granular strategy by surrounding individual components with error boundaries is a best practice that fosters a robust user experience. This component-level containment isolates crashes, ensuring that a failing component doesn’t take down the entire user interface. Such precision allows developers to render alternative UIs or messaging specific to the component's context and role within the application. Moreover, it simplifies troubleshooting by narrowing down the error source. However, excess granularity comes with the risk of cluttering the codebase with numerous error boundaries, which might increase the complexity of the application and potentially reduce maintainability.

On the other end of the spectrum, employing top-level error boundaries presents an application-wide safety net. It creates a simplified model where a single boundary can catch and manage any unhandled error in the app. While this is a straightforward and easy-to-implement approach, it lacks specificity. The consequence of relying solely on these is a potential for a less informative user experience—when an error occurs, the user might be left with a generic error page, irrespective of where the error happened, making the application feel less responsive and harder to debug for the team.

Layout-level error boundaries strike a balance between granular and top-level approaches, providing a middle ground by encapsulating groups of components. This pattern suits scenarios where multiple components form a logical section of the application, like a sidebar or form set. When an error occurs in one component, it doesn't cascade to unrelated parts of the app, preserving the overall user experience. While this minimizes the risk of redundancy posed by component-level boundaries, it may still mask the specifics of which component within the group failed, which can obscure debugging efforts.

When structuring error boundaries, their positioning should correspond to the app's architecture, reflecting the importance of modules and components. Placing them strategically around critical parts of the application that can’t afford to fail—or around unstable components, perhaps those that rely on external data—maximizes resilience. Always consider the end user: what information is useful to them on encountering an error, and how they can continue to use the unaffected parts of the application. Maintaining a balance between granularity for developer convenience and the user's need for seamless experience is key.

To prevent an excess of error boundary wrappers, a design pattern involving 'higher-order components' (HOCs) or custom hooks can be adopted. These patterns offer an abstraction that can wrap any component with an error boundary, promoting code reusability and reducing duplication. By creating a standard, reusable HOC or hook for error boundaries, you enforce consistency across the application and ease future maintenance or refinement of error handling behaviors, allowing developers to focus more on business logic and less on error handling boilerplate.

Understanding Error Propagation and Recovery in Complex Applications

In modern web development with React 18, managing error propagation has become more sophisticated due to the introduction of concurrent rendering features. These features, when combined with Error Boundaries, provide a robust mechanism for handling errors in a way that doesn't compromise the user experience. During concurrent rendering, different priorities can be assigned to updates, and components may render work multiple times before the screen is updated. This is where Error Boundaries exhibit their strength—they catch errors in their child component tree before the screen is updated, ensuring that those errors do not terminate the entire application's rendering process.

To enhance error handling and application stability, it’s essential to understand how Error Boundaries and Suspense can work together. Suspense enables components to declare that they are awaiting some asynchronous activity, such as data fetching. When an error is encountered in a component within a Suspense boundary, it can be managed by an Error Boundary wrapped around that Suspense component. In doing so, developers can design a user experience where loading states and error states are handled gracefully and distinctly.

// ErrorBoundary.js
class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { hasError: false };
  static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
    return { hasError: true };
  componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {
    // Custom fallback error handling logic
  render() {
    if (this.state.hasError) {
      // Render any custom fallback UI
      return <div>Error occurred while loading</div>;
    return this.props.children;

// AsyncComponentWithSuspense.js
const AsyncComponentWithSuspense = React.lazy(() => import('./SomeComponent'));

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
        <AsyncComponentWithSuspense />

With the given snippet, we encapsulate an async component inside both Suspense and an Error Boundary. Should an error occur during the loading, ErrorBoundary will intercept it and render a custom UI, leaving the rest of our application intact. This technique harmonizes well with the incremental rendering capabilities of React 18, where low-priority updates can be interrupted for high-priority ones without crashing the app.

As developers, considering error recovery strategies is vital to implementing resilient web applications. Utilizing Error Boundaries in combination with Suspense supports a tiered error recovery approach. When an error occurs, the Error Boundary can capture and display a fallback UI, gracefully handle the error, and offer a retry mechanism. This could involve providing users a way to reload the failing component, utilizing state management within the Error Boundary to reset component state, or even calling an error reporting service to log the issue.

The inclusion of concurrent rendering in React 18 fortifies the powerful pattern of isolating error-prone components using Error Boundaries, providing a smoother user experience. The concurrent rendering works silently in the background, prioritizing user interactions and maintaining responsiveness even as Error Boundaries ensure that an isolated error does not necessitate a full page refresh, thus enhancing overall application stability.

Common Pitfalls and Error Handling Antipatterns

When incorporating error boundaries in React 18, developers sometimes overlook the distinction between error boundaries and the traditional try-catch block, expecting error boundaries to work in a similar catch-all manner. A common mistake is to wrap event handlers or asynchronous code, such as setTimeout or fetch calls, with error boundaries, expecting these errors to be captured. However, the correct pattern involves using explicit try-catch blocks within those asynchronous operations or event handlers:


class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  myAsyncFunction = () => {
    fetch('/api/data').then(response => {
      this.setState({ data: });

  render() {
    return <ErrorBoundary>
      { /* Async operation directly inside error boundary, will not be caught */ }


class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  myAsyncFunction = async () => {
    try {
      const response = await fetch('/api/data');
      this.setState({ data: });
    } catch (error) {
      // Handle or propagate error as needed

  render() {
    return <div>
      { /* ErrorBoundary remains available for other errors in render */ }
        { /* Content rendering here */ }
      { /* Async operation safely outside error boundary */ }

Another pitfall lies in mismanaging state within error boundaries. Developers sometimes fail to reset the state of error boundaries after handling an error, which prevents them from catching subsequent errors, effectively disabling the error boundary after its first activation. This issue is resolved by properly resetting the error boundary's state after an error is handled:


class MyErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
  state = { hasError: false };
  static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
    // Update state so the next render will show the fallback UI.
    return { hasError: true };
  // Missing componentDidUpdate or a reset mechanism


class MyErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
  state = { hasError: false };
  static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
    // Update state so next render shows fallback UI
    return { hasError: true };

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    // Reset the boundary's state if children props change
    if (this.props.children !== prevProps.children) {
      this.setState({ hasError: false });

Developers may also mistakenly use the same fallback UI for different types of errors across the application, which can lead to a confusing user experience. Instead, using context-specific fallbacks helps users understand the scope and impact of the error:


<ErrorBoundary fallback={<GeneralError />}>
  <UserProfile />

<ErrorBoundary fallback={<GeneralError />}>
  <ShoppingCart />


<ErrorBoundary fallback={<UserProfileError />}>
  <UserProfile />

<ErrorBoundary fallback={<ShoppingCartError />}>
  <ShoppingCart />

Regarding testing error boundaries, it's not uncommon for developers to neglect writing tests that simulate errors within child components. Robust testing requires deliberately throwing errors in different parts of the component tree to ensure that error boundaries behave as expected:


// Test file
it('renders without crashing', () => {
  const div = document.createElement('div');
  ReactDOM.render(<App />, div);
// This test doesn't check how App handles child component errors


// Test file
it('displays error message when child component throws', () => {
  const ThrowingComponent = () => {
    throw new Error('Test Error');
  const { getByText } = render(<ErrorBoundary><ThrowingComponent /></ErrorBoundary>);
  expect(getByText('Something went wrong.')).toBeInTheDocument();
// This test ensures ErrorBoundary correctly handles errors from children

Reflect on these examples: Are there places in your code where error handling could be made more robust with targeted fallbacks or better testing? Could certain areas benefit from specific adjustments in their error handling strategies?


In this article, the author explores the new error handling capabilities introduced in React 18 with Error Boundaries. They discuss the benefits of using Error Boundaries to capture and handle errors in a React application, as well as the best practices for structuring and implementing them. The article also covers the use of Error Boundaries in functional components, the importance of error recovery strategies, and common pitfalls to avoid. The author challenges readers to reflect on their own code and consider how they can improve error handling with targeted fallbacks and better testing.

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