Angular and RxJS: Creating Custom Operators

Anton Ioffe - November 24th 2023 - 9 minutes read

As we embrace the ever-evolving landscape of web development, Angular and RxJS remain at the forefront, offering robust solutions to complex asynchronous challenges. In this deep dive, we will not merely traverse the beaten path of reactive programming but will carve out our own by mastering the craft of creating custom RxJS operators within Angular's rich environment. From theoretical contemplations to the finesse of practical implementation, we will demystify the art of custom operators, guiding seasoned developers through methodical construction, ingenious composability, nuanced best practices, and even exploring the realms of advanced usage patterns. Prepare to unlock a new dimension of expressiveness and efficiency in your Angular applications, awakening a fresh perspective on the transformative power of custom operators.

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Theoretical Foundations and Practical Impact of Custom Operators in RxJS and Angular

At their core, custom operators in RxJS are higher-order functions that enhance the compositionality of your stream manipulations. Just as functions in JavaScript can be passed around, applied, or composed to create more complex functions, operators in RxJS enable a similar paradigm with observables. They add a layer of abstraction, encapsulating shared stream-processing logic that can be reused across different parts of your Angular application.

The mechanism for creating custom operators stems from the fact that RxJS operators are, simply put, functions returning functions. This functional programming concept allows operators to be parametrized, meaning they can be tailored to specific use cases by accepting arguments. Furthermore, operators can be nested within each other using the pipe method, allowing for complex data transformations to be defined in a concise and readable manner. This is particularly important in Angular, where streams of data often require intricate transformations to fit the needs of the consuming components.

The practical impact of leveraging custom operators is multifaceted. In Angular applications, where observables are ubiquitous due to their integration with the HTTPClient service and the reactive forms module, custom operators allow for more expressive code. By abstracting common patterns into operators, you not only reduce code duplication but also make your intentions more explicit, which results in code that's easier to understand and maintain.

Performance wise, custom operators can yield significant benefits. Since RxJS is lazy and operators are pure functions, custom operators promote the creation of optimized streams where data is processed efficiently. Well-designed custom operators prevent unnecessary calculations, and by adhering to best practices such as minimal stateful transformations, they ensure streams are as lean as possible. This is particularly crucial in performance-sensitive Angular applications where change detection and view updates need to be streamlined.

In practice, Angular developers might create a custom operator to handle debounced search inputs, to filter down to specific event types, or to concatenate responses from multiple HTTP requests. By capturing these operations within custom operators, they can decouple the logic from the Angular components, leading to a more modular and testable codebase. Encompassing such utility within standalone functions not only clarifies intent but also encourages good separation of concerns. Thus, custom operators become an essential toolset for the seasoned Angular developer looking to construct scalable and resilient applications.

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Crafting Custom Operators: A Methodical Approach

When crafting a custom operator in RxJS, begin by considering the Observer pattern. Define a function that will act as your custom operator. This function should take an observable as its argument and return a new observable. Use the Observable create method to control how the new observable behaves. This method receives a function with an observer that can next, error, or complete. Here's a basic structure of a custom operator:

const customOperator = () => sourceObservable =>
  new Observable(observer => {
    // subscription logic here
    return () => {
      // Tear-down logic here

Within the body, implement your custom logic. It's crucial to handle the subscription properly to avoid memory leaks. For instance, perform actions with each emission from the source observable and ensure proper clean-up when the observable completes or errors out. Here's an example, continuing the custom operator above:

const customOperator = () => sourceObservable =>
  new Observable(observer => {
    const subscription = sourceObservable.subscribe({
      next(value) {
        // Perform action with value; 
      error(err) {
      complete() {

    // Return a teardown function
    return () => subscription.unsubscribe();

In terms of performance, always remember to unsubscribe from the source observable in the teardown logic to prevent memory leaks. Performance can be compromised if there are rogue subscriptions that do not properly dispose themselves after their intended use period has elapsed. Additionally, be mindful of the transformations or operations you perform in the next block. Avoid computationally expensive operations if they can be substituted with more efficient alternatives, as every emission passes through this logic.

Error handling is another critical aspect. Your custom operator should be resilient, able to handle any errors that occur in the source observable. In the example above, the error method on the observer gracefully passes on any errors from the source.

Lastly, test the operator in various scenarios to ensure that it works correctly and without any performance bottlenecks. Here is an illustration of a custom operator used in practice:

const myObservable = of(1, 2, 3);
const myCustomOperator = customOperator();

  next: (value) => console.log(value),
  error: (err) => console.error(err),
  complete: () => console.log('Completed')

In conclusion, when creating custom operators, focus on clearly defined behaviors, prudent memory management, and handling errors effectively. Through real-world examples that incorporate these elements, developers can craft custom operators that improve the readability, maintainability, and performance of their Angular applications.

Reengineering Existing Operators: The Art of Composition

Leveraging existing RxJS operators as the building blocks for custom operators is a strategy that maximizes existing expertise: it empowers developers to utilize powerful functionalities without reinventing the wheel. When reengineering existing operators, modularity emerges as a prime benefit, allowing custom operators to be seamlessly integrated across different areas of an application while enhancing reusability and readability.

Yet, it's crucial for developers to navigate the intricacies of complexity. Custom operators, though advantageous, can become unwieldy, rendering them challenging to understand and maintain. To avoid such pitfalls, custom operators should be laser-focused, each tackling a distinct aspect of data stream processing.

For illustration, consider a custom operator that augments the filter operator’s functionality. In a common scenario, you might want to prevent null or undefined values from propagating in a stream. A direct application would typically involve filter(value => value !== null). By evolving this into a dedicated operator such as excludeNulls(), we encapsulate this logic within a name that is both self-descriptive and reusable:

const excludeNulls = () => source$ =>
    source$.filter(value => value !== null);

This snippet demonstrates how the excludeNulls operator succinctly returns an Observable by applying the filter method, which is vital for maintaining the chainable nature of RxJS observables.

Moving to a compound scenario, say we aim to throttle events, but only following the emission of a distinct value. This is where the art of composing operators truly sparkles. Employing distinctUntilChanged() in tandem with throttleTime(), we craft a nuanced custom operator:

const throttleAfterDistinct = (duration, compare) => (source$) =>

The creation of throttleAfterDistinct elegantly converges two operations into a single, expressively named operator. This promotes modularity and enhances readability, encapsulating complex behaviors within a more manageable construct.

In essence, the craft of composing custom RxJS operations involves a nuanced equilibrium: aiming to forge operators that are effective without being overly complex, and modular without dilution. When properly balanced, leveraging the rich collection of RxJS primitives to assemble custom solutions can lead to sophisticated, expressive, and functional reactive streams within your Angular applications.

Pitfalls and Best Practices in Custom Operator Implementation

Improper subscription handling within custom operators can lead to memory leaks and unpredictable behavior. Developers may forget to manage subscriptions created within an operator, resulting in observers that remain active even after they're no longer needed. This mistake can be mitigated by ensuring that every internal subscription is appropriately unsubscribed during the teardown phase.

function customOperator() {
  return (source$) => new [Observable(subscriber => {](
    const subscription = source$.subscribe({
      next: (value) =>,
      error: (err) => subscriber.error(err),
      complete: () => subscriber.complete()
    // Correct teardown logic
    return () => {

Another common mistake is ignoring the statefulness of operators. Some custom operators require internal state management to function correctly, and overlooking this can lead to unexpected results. For instance, if an operator is supposed to emit values only under certain conditions based on previous emissions, it is essential to capture and update the relevant state within the operator.

function statefulCustomOperator(conditionFn) {
  return (source$) => new Observable(subscriber => {
    let hasMetCondition = false;
    return source$.subscribe({
      next: (value) => {
        if(conditionFn(value)) {
          hasMetCondition = true;
        if (hasMetCondition) {
      error: (err) => subscriber.error(err),
      complete: () => subscriber.complete()

Side-effects within operators are a frequent source of bugs and unpredictable behavior. Custom operators should be pure functions, only transforming their input and output without causing any side-effects. This implies that logging, modifying global state, or making asynchronous requests should be avoided in the operator logic.

function pureCustomOperator(transformFn) {
  return (source$) => source$.pipe(
    map((value) => transformFn(value)) // No side-effects

One key best practice is to aim for the composability and reusability of custom operators. Modular operators that encapsulate specific behaviors are easier to test and maintain. This encourages their reuse across different parts of the application. Always strive to break down complex logic into smaller, chainable operators that can be composed together using RxJS's pipe method.

// Reusable modular operator
function filterEvens() {
  return filter((value) => value % 2 === 0);

Lastly, ensure your operator is as lightweight as possible by avoiding heavy computations or operations that could degrade performance. Use profiling tools to measure the impact of your custom operators and strive for minimalism in their implementation. By keeping operators lean, you contribute to overall application efficiency and responsiveness.

function lightweightCustomOperator() {
  return (source$) => source$.pipe(
    // Perform lightweight operations within the pipe
    map((value) => value * 2)

Remember to keep your custom operators well-defined, focused on a single responsibility, and free from unnecessary complexities to allow for optimized, robust, and maintainable code within angular applications.

Advanced Patterns and Thought Experiments in Custom Operator Utilization

As web application architecture evolves, streamlining complex logic flows becomes an increasingly challenging endeavor. In the realm of reactive programming, RxJS stands out for its rich set of operators that developers often extend with custom solutions to cater to more nuanced processing patterns. This exploration delves into advanced usage of custom operators, with a particular focus on conditional and dynamic construction, and the nuance of distilling intricate logic into manageable, reusable patterns.

When devising a conditional operator, one may envision a scenario requiring transformation logic that toggles based on run-time conditions. A natural response might be to rely on multiple if statements nested within a map operator, but this can quickly lead to bloated code. An alternative approach is to abstract the conditional branches into a custom operator, in effect, yielding a specialized decision-making function:

function conditionalTransform(predicateFn, trueFn, falseFn) {
  return (source) => source.pipe(
    map(value => predicateFn(value) ? trueFn(value) : falseFn(value))

Now consider an application laden with complex, dynamic user filters and pose the question: Could the use of dynamic operators, which are modified according to input parameters or changing data states, offer a more adept solution? Crafting such an operator could entail a mechanism that selects different transformations based on incoming configurations, perhaps through a switch statement that routes the observable to the chosen transformation pathway:

function dynamicOperator(config) {
  return (source) => {
    switch (config.type) {
      case 'filter':
        return source.pipe(filter(config.predicate));
      // Further cases for 'map', 'reduce', and more could be added
        return source; // Or alternatively, handle unknown types as errors

Contemplating these patterns urges us to thoughtfully gauge the benefits of amalgamating diverse logic into a singular operator versus maintaining separate, simpler ones. Is there a complexity ceiling above which an operator should be divided into more elementary parts? The interplay between atomization and aggregation is a delicate balance; it demands profound contemplation of the long-term maintainability and cognitive load associated with custom logic structures.

Moreover, we must ponder whether these sophisticated custom operators should maintain an internal state or interact with system-wide states. For instance, an operator that locally caches responses could limit network traffic, but what implications does this carry for the operator's purity and system consistency?

function cachingOperator(getCacheKey) {
  const cache = new Map();
  return (source) => source.pipe(
    tap(value => {
      const key = getCacheKey(value);
      if (!cache.has(key)) {
        cache.set(key, value);
    map(value => cache.get(getCacheKey(value)))

This analysis culminates with a stimulating thought experiment: In an era where custom operators are as integral as standard programming constructs, what guiding principles will we have established to ensure their continued beneficial impact? Will we have forged best practices for the creation, testing, and documentation of these operators, mirroring the rigor applied to other software constructs? As you embrace RxJS in your web development projects, reflect on fashioning custom operators not only as a direct solution to immediate issues but also as part of an overarching strategy to hone and advance the methodologies governing their application.


In this article, the author explores the topic of creating custom operators in Angular and RxJS. They explain the theoretical foundations and practical impact of custom operators, providing insights into their benefits for code expressiveness, maintainability, and performance. The author also discusses a methodical approach to crafting custom operators and highlights the importance of proper subscription handling, error handling, and testing. They delve into the art of composition and reengineering existing operators to enhance modularity and readability. Additionally, the article explores pitfalls and best practices in custom operator implementation, emphasizing the importance of proper memory management, avoiding statefulness and side-effects, and striving for composability. Finally, the author touches on advanced patterns and thought experiments in custom operator utilization, challenging developers to consider conditional operators, dynamic operators, and the interplay between atomization and aggregation. They encourage readers to reflect on the principles and best practices for creating, testing, and documenting custom operators in their own projects.

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